RM Pressfit vitamys

Cotile monoblocco


Innovativo, collaudato e isoelastico RM Pressfit vitamys

Già negli anni ‘70, Robert Mathys senior perseguì l’innovativa idea di sviluppare impianti monoblocco isoelastici1. Questa idea, in combinazione con il pressfit equatoriale2,3 descritto dal Prof. Erwin Morscher e l’opzione tribologica di un polietilene altamente reticolato (VEPE)4 arricchito con vitamina E, ha dato origine allo straordinario cotile RM Pressfit vitamys.

La filosofia di base, fondata sulla legge di Wolff1,5 e affermatasi da molti anni, convince con eccellenti risultati clinici6–10 e straordinari dati dei registri internazionali11–15.

L’elasticità del cotile RM Pressfit vitamys corrisponde a quella dell’osso circostante16, il che influenza positivamente il comportamento di Stress-Shielding17,25,26.

L’interazione tra il polietilene isoelastico a basso attrito vitamys (VEPE)4 con spessore massimo della parete17–19 e il rivestimento in particelle di titanio riduce il rischio di  osteolisi4,7,20–23 e consente di conservare l’osso circostante a lungo termine10, 24–27.

Gli strumenti Mathys, tipicamente poco ingombranti, supportano un flusso di lavoro efficiente. Il design monoblocco del cotile RM Pressfit vitamys permette anche uno stoccaggio minimo dell’impianto nonostante  l’ampia gamma di dimensioni.

1 Mathys R. History – How the success story of the RM Classic cup started. In: Horne G (Editor). The RM Cup – Long-term experience with an elastic Monobloc acetabular implant. Einhorn-Presse Verlag. ISBN ISBN 978-3-88756-507-7. 2008;23-30.
2 Morscher E, Masar Z. Development and first experience with an uncemented press-fit cup. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1988(232):96-103.
3 Morscher E W, Dick W. Cementless fixation of «isoelastic» hip endoprostheses manufactured from plastic materials. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 1983(176):77-87.
4 Beck M, Delfosse D, Lerf R, Becker R, French G, Hollmann L, Knahr K, Naeder H, Meijer E, Rehbein P, Baines J, Steenmeijer V, de Gast A. Oxidation Prevention with Vitamin E in a HXLPE Isoelastic Monoblock Pressfit Cup: Preliminary Results. In: Knahr K (Editor). Total Hip Arthroplasty. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN 978-3-642-27360-5. 2012;21-31.
5 Wolff J (Editor). Das Gesetz der Transformation der Knochen. ISBN ISBN 978-3-86805-648-8. 1892.
6 Erivan R, Eymond G, Villatte G, Mulliez A, Myriam G, Descamps S, Boiscgard S. RM Pressfit® cup: good preliminary results at 5 to 8 years follow-up for 189 patients. Hip Int. 2016.
7 Mahmood F F, Beck M, de Gast A, Rehbein P, French G J, Becker R, Dominkus M, Helmy N, Hollmann L, Baines J. Survivorship and Patient-Reported Outcomes of an Uncemented Vitamin E-Infused Monoblock Acetabular Cup: A Multicenter Prospective Cohort Study. J Arthroplasty. 2020.
8 Snijders T E, Halma J J, Massier J R A, van Gaalen S M, de Gast A. The Survivorship of the Uncemented Iso-Elastic Monoblock Acetabular Component at a Mean of 6-Year Follow-up. HSS Journal®. 2019.
9 Minten M J, Heesterbeek P J, Spruit M. No effect of additional screw fixation of a cementless, all-polyethylene press-fit socket on migration, wear, and clinical outcome. Acta Orthop. 2016:1-5.
10 Ihle M, Mai S, Pfluger D, Siebert W. The results of the titanium-coated RM acetabular component at 20 years: a long-term follow-up of an uncemented primary total hip replacement. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2008;90(10):1284-90.
11 SIRIS. Swiss National Joint Registry – Annual Report 2021
12 NZJR. New Zealand Joint Registry – Annual Report. 2021
13 LROI. Dutch Arthroplasty Register – Annual Report. 2021
14 EPRD. Endoprothesenregister Deutschland – Jahresbericht. 2021
15 AOANJRR. Australian Orthopaedic Association National Joint Replacement Registry – Annual Report. 2021 
16 Gasser B. Biomechanical principles and studies. In: Horne G (Editor). The RM Cup – Long-term experience with an elastic Monobloc acetabular implant. Einhorn-Presse Verlag. ISBN ISBN 978-3-88756-507-7. 2008;16-22.
17 Horne G, Devane P A, Dalton D J. Does pelvic osteolysis occur with a nonmodular uncemented acetabular component? J Arthroplasty. 2006;21(2):185-90.
18 Oonishi H, Iwaki H, Kin N, Kushitani S, Murata N, Wakitani S, Imoto K. The effects of polyethylene cup thickness on wear of total hip prostheses. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 1998;9(8):475-8.
19 Young A M, Sychterz C J, Hopper R H, Jr., Engh C A. Effect of acetabular modularity on polyethylene wear and osteolysis in total hip arthroplasty. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2002;84-a(1):58-63.
20 Wyatt M, Weidner J, Pfluger D, Beck M. The RM Pressfit vitamys: 5-year Swiss experience of the first 100 cups. Hip Int. 2017;27(4):368-72.
21 Rochcongar G, Buia G, Bourroux E, Dunet J, Chapus V, Hulet C. Creep and Wear in Vitamin E-Infused Highly Cross-Linked Polyethylene Cups for Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2018;100(2):107-14.
22 Scemama C, Anract P, Dumaine V, Babinet A, Courpied J P, Hamadouche M. Does vitamin E-blended polyethylene reduce wear in primary total hip arthroplasty: a blinded randomised clinical trial. Int Orthop. 2016. 
23 Rochcongar G, Remazeilles M, Bourroux E, Dunet J, Chapus V, Feron M, Praz C, Buia G, Hulet C. Reduced wear in vitamin E-infused highly cross-linked polyethylene cups: 5-year results of a randomized controlled trial. Acta Orthop. 2020:1-5.
24 Manley M T, Ong K L, Kurtz S M. The potential for bone loss in acetabular structures following THA. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2006; 453:246-53.
25 Brodt S, Jacob B, Nowack D, Zippelius T, Strube P, Matziolis G. An Isoelastic Monoblock Cup Retains More Acetabular and Femoral Bone Than a Modular Press-Fit Cup: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2021.
26 Young P S, Macarico D T, Silverwood R K, Farhan-Alanie O M, Mohammed A, Periasamy K, Nicol A, Meek R M D. Anatomical pelvic loading of a monoblock polyethylene acetabular component. Bone Joint J. 2021;103-b(5):872-80.
27 Anderl C, Mattiassich G, Ortmaier R, Steinmair M, Hochreiter J. Peri-acetabular bone remodelling after uncemented total hip arthroplasty with monoblock press-fit cups: an observational study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020;21(1):652.